Melody in Me Music Studio
Christmas Concert 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009 10:00am

1.Jingle Bell  ...........................................................................Toddler Tunes
* Jingle Bell; Wheel on the Bus - Rhythm
*  My Actions song; Moving Game - Dance
* Play and Stop; Wheel on the Bus - Keyboard 

2.Solo  ..................................................................................Remin Lin
* Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring; The Fairy Story

3.Song of Bell  ..........................................................................Hello Melody
* Song of Bell - Sing
* We Make Music; Papa Haydn's Band- Rhythm
* Finger Hop; Hi Lo Do Do Do - Keyboard
* Boogie Along; Hi Lo Do Do Do - Keyboard

4.Solo  ..................................................................................Saachi Kumar
* Square Dance; The Holly Jelly Christmas

5.Play a Little Music  ................................................................... More Music in Me
* Play a Little Music; Snow is Falling - Rhythm
* Catch a Little Rainbow - Dance
* PussyWillow; La La La Song - Keyboard

6.Solo  .................................................................................  Deborah Chang
* Lunar Eclpise; Angel We Have Heard on High

7.Wonderful Music ......................................................................Harmony Road 1
* Strumming on the Bass; Knickerbocker’s Band - Rhythm
* Sugar Cookie; Hide and Seek - Keyboard
* Finger Fun; The Zoo - Keyboard

8.Solo  .................................................................................. Faith Tsou
* Souvenirs D’enfance; Carol of the Bells

9.Music Land  ...........................................................................Young Musician 1
* March of the Toys - Rhythm
* Music Land; Duck crossing - Keyboard
* The Hokey Pokey - Ensemble

10.Solo  .................................................................................Jason Ink
* Ride of Paul Revere; Silent Night

11.Making Music  ........................................................................Young Musician 3
* Erie Canal - Keyboard
* Sneaky Snake - Ensemble
* Stately Gavotte - Navya Bellamkonda
* Camel Ride - Nina Feathergill
* Alpine Echo - Willie Cui

12.Amazing Grace  ......................................................................Piano Street
* Amazing Grace - Keyboard
* Silly Old Clown - Keyboard
* One Early Morning - Ensemble
* Ode to Joy - Lucy Cai
* Alexander March - Ye Zhou
* The Wild Flower - Vicky Mo
* Romance - Tonia Shi
* Stately Gavotte - Annie Lin

13.Grand Finale  ................................. Silent Night ..........................All Students